Friday 25 November 2011

2.0 - Silohuette in Film

There was one scene in Dark Knight that really caught my eye. Near the end when Batman is faced with the tough decision of who to save. There is a really great image that depicts this emotion with silhouette and colour contrast. I thought this would be an interesting area to study.

Screenshot in Film.

Same screenshot but converted to grayscale.

My tonal Sketch of the screenshot.

This is my final Digital Painting of the Screenshot. By doing this from a tonal point of view it's helped me to understand what makes depth in a picture, the bold and much darker shades come forward and the mid tones tend to push back. From my research it's proved especially in this painting that warmer colours come forward and cooler colours push back;  concept artist Ryan Church (Star Wars, Transformers) often says this in his training DVD's.

This is a painting that I created using Photoshop based on the values that I learned from painting for the Dark Knight. Before I would paint without any regard to simply values to create depth, now my paintings look more dynamic by studying values in film.

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