Sunday 13 November 2011

3.0 - Colour Study - Forest

Using a photo reference for composition I then began painting in Photoshop. The purpose of this exercise was to get familiar with common colours used in the natural environment. Although one thing I noticed when saving this image out was when I zoomed far out from the picture, there was huge colour value differences from both images; I'll need to be aware zooming out in the future.

While painting this at the time I was thinking of some light aspects such as bounce light, soft light etc. Which gave me a better idea where to paint. Also things like the grass show to have many types of colours not just greens. I aimed to use only 3 colours for each thing I painted to try and get an idea of the main colours in each thing like trees and leaves. From What I picked up in this painting I am going to paint my own scene and see what I have picked up from painting with a reference.

Not everything is painted but this was just some initial painting to get ideas of colours used and not about detail.

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