Tuesday 11 October 2011

Supervision Review

Today was the first of the pitch sessions and I had to give feedback based on what was shown to me. There was a mixture of work; some people did a lot and others had very little to show. When I started the supervision my intentions were to be honest and give constructive criticism whenever it was needed, also how to improve and give examples of where to look further.

My main interest is in 3d environments and because I previously did Advanced Interaction with UDK it wasn't a problem to point people in the right direction and give good tips to help them along the way. Even though I don't have a huge interest in animation I was still able to give support to the students where they can look for inspiration and ideas. To help people further, while each person was speaking, I was writing down feedback and useful information to help them when they go away. This shows (in my opinion) that you are engaging what they are talking about and showing an interest.

In terms of time management I think it went smoothly everybody got a fair share to discuss their work and I always finished with:

''does anyone else want to give feedback or pointers?''.

Most people did give feedback to one another which was good to see so it wasn't always me asking questions. Even though I was supervising there were things learned from some of the students to help me with my own work. I think in the future it will be good to ask people more about their actual research and workflows to get a better understanding of where they are coming from.

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