Friday 14 October 2011

October 14 - Pitch Session 1

This was my first pitch session of the honours project; it didn't go great but it also didn't go bad. I did go into the presentation with a 'general' idea of what I wanted to do. Hung up on whether or not to focus on architecture or light was my biggest issue. But to my relief I thought I would have to learn 3ds Max for this year, but lecturers did point out this could take a year in its own just to get familiar with so thankfully I can continue with my project using Maya.

Leaning towards studying light Robin pointed out that I should really look into traditional artist rather than just concept artist to further my understanding of light, by looking at Joseph Mallord William Turner; which I will look into. Brian also pointed me to a really good resource to help further my knowledge of lighting and rendering. The main thing that was brought to my attention is that my Aims and objectives really need to be focused which is what I plan on doing for the next week and have a solid idea of my research and what I want to do.

Overall even though the presentation, itself, didn't go too well I feel now I have a much better focus with what I want to do.

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