Wednesday 19 October 2011

October 19 - New Approach

After revising my aims and objectives so far, including my pitch, I found myself going down the path that maybe wasnt the most desirable. After speaking with Brian and showing some sketches of what I would like to produce by the end of the project there is a clear emphasis on both colour and light. I essentially want to create a beautiful 3d environment covering the theories of both light and colour; this could make for a really good aim and set of objectives.

It make look as though I'm going backwards but without the initial research I undertook, at this point, it wouldn't have been made apparent to me that maybe I'm looking in the wrong subject matter. Over the next few days I want to have a solid set of Aims and objectives down so the draft proposal can be created. The first stage will be to create a new mind map (which will be uploaded) from there look at relevent articles, journals and books to formulate a relevent aim and set of objectives.

Of course I don't know exactly everything that will need to be undertaken in the project, with the proposal as a guide, this will be made much clearer for myself and peers.

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