Friday 21 October 2011

Dundee's Architecture

Some of the buildings here on our doorstep are fantastic examples of architecture. When we are walking along I think sometimes we don't realise how much character Dundee has for a small city. I took these photos to help get my creative juices going, looking at key features in buildings that make them stand out.

Forester Street.

Forester Street.

Barrack Street Museum.

Mc Manus Galleries.

Mc Manus Galleries.

                                                                 Comics buildings.

Small church across from galleries.

Mc Manus Galleries (other side).

Mc Manus Galleries (other side again).

Building across the road from Galleries.

Close-up of Mc Manus Galleries.

I love the architecture of Mc Manus Galleries when It's a bright sunny day to when it turns to night it's like seeing two completely different buildings.

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