Monday 3 October 2011

October 03 2011 - Initial Ideas

Week 2. So over the past week I have been looking into various Architectural designs to help with my ideas. I've also specifically looked at Gothic architecture (as it is a passion of mine) and I would really like to impliment this style into my Honours project; I have taken various images from the web and also films (Van Helsing).

For my project I would like to create a huge environment with a Castle as the focus point and by getting there the player will have to go through a series of different evironments in order to get there. The reason I am doing it this way is because I want to demonstrate a clear understanding of how various environments work and feel. This may still come across as a little vague for an idea, but it's a starting point. This week I will be talking to various lectures to help turn this idea into a viable Honours Project and also help develop my Research question for my dissertation.

Below are a few examples of the research that I have found:

Below are from the forest scene in Van Helsing. I was looking at for interesting compositional shots and colour palletes. I want my outdoor environment to have a disturbing feeling to it; a place where you wouldn't want to end up.

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