Friday 7 October 2011

Personal Statement

AG1064A: Professional Practice – Personal Statement

Stuart Wilson
Student Number:
Computer Arts Year 4
3D Environment Modelling/Texturing/Rendering

Inspiration and Interests
My main interest lies with 3d environments for games and over the next year I will be developing my skills in this field to help me to this position in the gaming industry. At the end of the year I want to have both an outdoor and indoor 3d environment that will be to a high quality that can be added as portfolio work that I can then apply with to potential employers. I've always been fascinated by the immersion of environments and the various things that happen things like swaying of trees to a thunderous storming bursting through the clouds. The quality of level design has never been so significant before and its becoming a huge driving force to aid in both story and narrative.

Career and Creative Aims

I have always had my eye on the gaming industry and it's been my dream for over 10 years now. Ideally I would like to be a 3D environment artist building both terrain as well as vehicles and props. I've found texturing and lighting seems to be underrated when building an environment; these are topics that must be explored. Over the year I want to demonstrate the majority of these skills and be able to showcase these to potential clients. 

Current Skills and Abilities

I am competent with Maya, intermediate level with UDK and very comfortable with Photoshop but there's always room for improvement. I play both guitar and drums and I have dome some recordings using Sound Forge and Cubase 5.

Skill Gaps

I want to further develop my skills with UDK (texturing/lighting) also I need to learn 3ds Max and Zbrush as these are industry standard for games.

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