Monday 24 October 2011

2.0 - Research into Theory of Colour

''Combination of Architecture Light and Art could give you a glimpse of Paradise'' - Brian Clark.

Mark Kidel's film Colouring Light: Brian Clarke - An Artist Apart. This was recommended to me by Brian for further research. This 1 hour documentary was brilliant; getting the insight of a world famous artist; Brian Clark. He was commissioned to create the biggest stain glass projects in the world. He met famous people such as Paul McCartney and tapped in the culture of Punk Rock in 1976.

''You can't afford to compromise...If your making a statement...artistically when you're making that statement...It's an absolute'' - Brian Clark.

Clark never compromised in art and fully expressed himself through stain glass design and also doing paintings as well influenced by Matisse. Watching this documentary it really opened my eyes as how significant color really is and the impact that it can have on society as well as the symbolic meaning behind the works of Clark.

'Colour Theory: The Mechanics of Colour Training' with Richard Keye's  DVD available from Gnomon Workshop. Keye's has taught the theorys of colour for almost 20 years and has a huge insight into this subject. I took many notes on this training dvd alone and it has given me a real solid foundation to build upon. Keye's goes through the various colour systems and where they began and also goes back hundreds of years and picks on the relevent painters of each time.

From Aristotle who first created the colour system, to Newton's interest in light. Also discussed is the whys of colour in a huge range of examples of paintings from different artist's/periods. Also some practical tips when creating my own work. Many amazing artist of the past and present day are presented and I feel now that when my objectives and aims are formulated I can now go and research further in the field of colour in confidence.

I want a really good understanding of Architecture as well so I picked up the book simply titled: 'Architecture' by Jonathon Glancey and it's proving to be a great read. This book doesn't deal just with Architecture in terms of style but also deals with materials that were used through the ages and how this affected design.

Like everyone else I do have skill gaps in but I'm already looking into training lessons to deal with these gaps; they are crucial for succeding. Really understanding Maya's texturing and lighting system and Zbrush are the key things that need to be learned. I have a good understanding of UDK so that isn't really an issue.

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