Thursday 8 December 2011

3.0 - UDK Testing - My Church

As the final artifacts deal with the navigation of an environment it is important to be able to create levels with accuracy and speed. The main environment will consist of a dominating architectural building (Gothic Cathedral) in an outdoor wilderness surrounded by rocks, foliage etc.

I want the entrance to have strong architectural designs that will then lead the player into the building (from which the navigation will start taking place). I have looked at directional lighting (rays from sun) and shadows, post-processing and ambient Occlusion (created in UDK). I'm still unsure if I should create a small outdoor environment or focus just indoor's as the main purpose is primarily navigation.

This was a test of creation, most of the ground and indoor rooms were made purely in BSP brushes with no need for Maya. I think Maya will be used only for creating smaller objects and some of the entrance to the buildings. The foliage was content from UDK (which I will probably use in the final artifact), also the rocks were from UDK but I can create them simply in Maya. I also lowered the saturation of the levels to see if there is clear arrangement in the map.

Far shot of the level. 2 entrances to the building; I want give players choice in what way to enter but this will be further defined through sketchbook work.

Entrance of building.

Combination of red and green; colour contrasts often seen in paintings during the Renaissance Art Movement.

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