Wednesday 21 December 2011

3.0 - Environment Development

Below are Blue pencil animation Sketches that I have done looking at Exterior/Interior Architecture. Mainly looking at shape, form and composition. From doing these drawings I've gained a better understanding of what makes Gothic architecture so distinctive with it's use of curved arches and sharp edges.  These features will help shape my own environment.

I'm not sure why the building looks so angled (probably the way I was sitting) But it's still a study none of the less :-D

I even began looking at various trees but this is beyond the scope of the project.

 Above is an idea I had for the entrance of the level. Although the fact that there will be 2-3 different levels for testing I be focusing on in the interior as these can be built much quicker especially with BSP brushes in UDK.

 Above: Further idea for the look of the church outside.

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