Thursday 15 December 2011

2.0/4.0 - Game Studies: Mirror's Edge

The reason I chose to study this game is because this is a fast paced first-person free running game that requires quick navigation of environments in order to progress. The colour structure in this game is very simple but its enough to guide the player through its various obstacles.

For the most part the environments are mainly white but our eyes are quickly drawing to the intense hues. It's the colour that guides our eyes Simple blues, red and yellows paint the path ahead and either its a colour harmony or contrast that its used to indicate an entrance to the next point. For example at the bottom left we are drawn to the door (the complimentary of the red and green). Early on in the game you are notified that red objects are where your main goals are when navigating through the environments.

Above are more examples, even with the top left we make sense of the pink environments because of the different values of light. The red rope guides our eye to the next point therefore we know instinctively to jump. The bottom left uses colour contrasts with the red and blue to make our way across the pipe and continue on. 

By looking at these examples it's helped my understanding in practical situations in game environments when certain colours maybe used. Although there is no guidelines anywhere that indicate which in fact are the best colour combinations to use, all we can do is use your best judgement to colour our environments.

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