Saturday 25 February 2012

Production work with Robin Ward

Robin Ward who is studying creature design has given me the task of producing some concept environments for worlds in which they will live in.

Details of his Environment profiles can be found in the following link:

The first thing he asked me to do was produce some thumbnail sketches of composition of his lava world and from there he picked some of his favourites and I began to further develop his concepts.

Thumbnail Sketches, of Lava world in surface details.

I was then given some sketches from Robin which I then followed for colour scheme.

These are just some initial concept ideas. Even though painting was taken place in Photoshop I wasn't being loose about the overal design and composition; could be due to fact i was given some work to use as a guide line. I used a lot of referenced images and I found that the hottest part of the lava is infact I really bright yellow and not white. Using also the Kelvin Degree wheel to get an accurate representation of heat using warm colours.

Below are cave ideas from where the volcano would erupt from. The idea is that most of the nutritional needs of the creatures would be mostly found underground from moss and minerals. These were pencil drawings that were scanned in. From doing this, it made me realise that I am best sticking with sketching on paper as I feel more relaxed and free to really express ideas.

Robin liked all the images but we stuck with the final sketch and began doing some colour ideas. This was painted using photoshop again using photo references for guides. From doing these concepts it's made me appreciate colour structure and how colour harmony's can really make an image stand out if chosen with care.

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