Sunday 8 January 2012

Worflow Update

Creating an outdoor environment plus all the walls purely in Maya is proven to take far too much time. One thing I found in the Alice Madness Returns studies is that the 'Mental Hospital' chapter mostly consists of corridors that consist only of a few meshes. I want to use this to my advantage and create a mansion styled environment in UDK. From doing the value studies from Sin City, creating the skeleton of the environment takes only a few hours without the hassle of UV maps as they are already generated in UDK which in hand also gives me more flexibility when controlling my textures in the UV space.

Shots from the 'Mental Hospital' Chapter in Alice Madness Returns.

I have the bulk of the architectural studies through sketchbook work and observation of sketches already completed. I will look into some of Resident evils environments as this is the kind of environment I am aiming for. Mostly some furniture pieces will need to be built; enough research is done it's time to start producing assets!

*Images above are from Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares (Xbox 360).

*Images above are from Resident Evil 1: Remake (Gamecube).

These will be my referencing points to start producing 3d assets.

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