Thursday 5 January 2012

2.0/4.0 - Colour Group Study: Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith

This more colour studies from the third installment of the Star Wars series. In each image I am picking out between 3-5 of the most noticeable colours. There is technically much more than this but these are the main colours that make up each image. I looked at some of the interior spaces of Star Wars as this is the area I am focusing my environment designs on.  

What is common in every image is there is some kind of colour contrast. Some are obvious hot and cold colours, other images there is earthly colours such as greens, browns and different shades of yellow. However we still make sense of each scene and our eyes always pickup on the contrasts first; this should be a key feature to consider when lighting up each environment (how each light is setup will be according to colour groups that I choose).

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