Friday 6 April 2012

Development of Concept 3: Trapped

This is the most dramatic part in the story, the explorer has been chased into a nearby forest, with the creature searching for him it finally corners him and he has no where to run. What's important in this shot is contrast of light and dark, I think this will create the most tension. The scene will express some form of panic,dramatic, intensity.  

The image above makes use of silhouette's, the explorer is puny compared to the giant robot since it stand in a calm stance we're not sure what's going to happen. The rocks at an angle focusing on the explorer although the creature stands out the most.   

The silhouette of the creature in this image creates a dramatic atmosphere because we can't make out how it looks, the explorer lays on his back at the beg of mercy. I don't think there's enough information in the image to sell the piece as a dramatic image.

With the explorer at the edge of the cliff this makes for an intense atmosphere because he can either jump or wait and see what happens to him. The creature is is almost bent down to the explorer's level creating sense of scale. 

Use of silhouette in the creature again creates mystery we're not sure exactly what it is and this heightens tension. Explorer is at the edge of a cliff and has the same option. Sharp rocks point in his direction. 

The dark bushes frame the scene and we get the sense he is outside the forest in his stance we can tell he is in panic as the creatures makes his way towards him. Sharp shadows add to the intensity because it contrasts with the smooth outlines of the forest.

Again we have another cliff hanger, the creature blocks the path so there is nowhere for the explorer to run, we see the silhouette of him and so he reads clearly. The broken path adds fragility adding to the tension of the scene. However since the creature is so far the sense of drama is lost.

The tilted angle in this image adds to the drama, the character is up against a rock with nowhere to go, with a focused light on him there will strong contrast of light and dark, The creature remains uncertain as we don't know exactly what to make of it, with the woods disappearing into the shadows there is a sense of abandonment. This is the image I will work on.

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