Wednesday 4 April 2012

Developing Concept 1: Cave Scene

These are sketches that I came up with showing the explorer enter the cave to find something unusual in there too with his curious mind he looks further. I am trying to create the sense of uncertainty but creating fear at the same time. 

 Looking at the basic line drawing I want the environment to hint that the focus is the creature in the centre so I aim the rocks towards the background/

I lay in tones to get a sense of depth making use of silhouettes and contrast of light. I like setup in the design but the creature is too obvious with its sharp edges I want it to be more subtle to express uncertainty. 

I do a new line drawing creating depth with the main subject matter at the back silhouetting however since it it looks like a fierce creature I want to avoid this. 

Creating the sense of unknown works in this picture because the dark shadows in the background create a lot of unsettling space because we're not sure what's going on there. The point light in background focuses our eye there while the foreground rocks help guide our eyes to the main subject.

The torch focuses on the creature creating strong light and dark contrast. Again we see the rocks silhouetted in the foreground aiming towards the subject matter creating a sense of fear with the edge association.

This sketched worked the best. The main subject is obscured frozen in ice so we don't know what's inside creating a sense of mystery. the characters establish scale. The shadows in background creating uncertainty with unknown space and the foreground rocks are used more subtly to guide the viewer to main subject matter.

This is photo references for ice cave even though i am sticking to colour groups identified in matrix system there needs to be a sense of realism as well. This will help me achieve that, The cave will be frozen towards the unknown creature on the ground and on the walls

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