Sunday 2 June 2013

xNORMAL problem

As you can see round a lot of the objects the edges are all distorted.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Visual Style Guide

In conclusion to this project I have found that all colours can evoke a particular mood if the right light set-up is applied. Most colours that are used in film and games are in fact de-saturated either light or dark. This is just a guide to help others experiment with colour because the fact is that there is many different combinations out there.

Visual Style Guide.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Concept 1: The Cave Final Piece

This image is to be the money shot. This should sell the concept of the story. What I found was it was restricting to paint on top of the image so instead I put the concept on one screen with Photoshop in front of me and then I drew from eye. 


Final piece. To draw the attention to the creature I added a contrast of warm and cold colours to make it seem less monochromatic.

Friday 27 April 2012

Final Concept 2: The Forest

Final concept piece, the amount of characters changed to one because there is more drama with just 1, plus it creates the sense of the unknown. The source light in the development image should to be really confusing as it is night time yet there is a light shining behind him?

Also the character was so bright that he popped out of the picture. So in order to eliminate these problems de-saturated colours were used on the main character and the moons raise was stressed more to capture the night scene.

Development work.

Final Concept piece.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Concept 3: Trapped

This is the final concept piece, using strong contrast of light and shadow to add panic to this scene. Even the shadows of the rocks look as though they are restricting the characters shadow from moving. The light has a strong focus on him which is glaring through him we can see the silhouette of the creature in the bottom right. By not revealing its identify the fear of the unknown is being used.

Monday 16 April 2012

Concept 3: Trapped Colour Script Exploration

This is colour script exploration from Matrix System and fitting it with the 'artistic intent' document these are the range of colours that I think are relevant. The main focus was trying to get the spot light lit in the right way to suit the drama of the scene. The second colour script seems the most appropriate as the other colours work well together. 

Saturday 14 April 2012

Concept 2: 'Forest' Colour exploration

This is colour groups from the matrix system again following the criteria the colours have been arranged in different ways, tones to find the best result. Since these are similar by creating the final art piece colour and arrangement will be further developed.